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Application Questions and Answers «»

2014793373 - Refinement of filtering by role “Events by dates”
The following has been improved in the “Events by date” report: - checkbox “display summary rows” - grouping by roles - multilist by event type output
2015352978 - Refinement of the filter by process in the product
In the products block in the product card processes, the “process id” filter has been improved
2015352252 - Improvement of the action “Automatically fill in the values of additional fields of process products based on the lookup”
For the BP action “Automatically fill in the values of additional fields of process products based on the lookup”, the setting “Automatically fill ...
2015352249 - Improvement of the action “Automatically distribute customer payments by processes”
For the automatic action once a day “Automatically distribute customer payments by processes”, the fields in which you can record the client, date ...
2015348498 - Uploading images to XML and YML
For automatic actions once per hour: - Export products in XML format (Rozetka.ua) - Export products in YML format improved setting “Upload the main...
2015351453 - Refinement of integration with Ringostat
Ringostat transmits new statuses: [status] => transitout [status] => transitin Tweaked to make OneBox transform transitout to in, transitin t...
2015345902 - Refinement of the display of bonuses
The system setting “Show bonuses grouped by categories” has been improved, which includes displaying bonuses by categories in the client’s account,...
2015343688 - Refinement of the "Contact Directory" field type for additional product fields
For additional product fields, the field type “Contact Directory” has been improved
2015348379 - Improvement of the action “Generate a document based on the merging of the contents of process documents”
The BP action “Create a document based on the merging of the contents of process documents” has been improved. The action combines several document...
2015341642 - Improved action “Send price list every hour/day”
For the automatic action once a day “Send a price list every hour/day”, the ability to display product fields/additional fields has been improved