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Application Questions and Answers «Directory constructor»

3 answer
EvoSmart Solution
17.11.2021, 12:51
ERROR: Manuals with automation are not loaded
Created 2 directories yesterday afternoon Rozetka: Filter characteristics Rozetka: Filter Characteristics (Values) I indicated the appropriate auto...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
10.11.2021, 12:58
When adding a new field of the qualifier and specifying the field of the qualifier (tied), the field is not saved
For example here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/custom/object/18/field/add/ If I add and enter in the "Field of date" field, I will name t...
Directories do not open, gives an error without a description
https://luxshina.ua/admin/ There are guides. Here is an example https://luxshina.ua/admin/shop/custom/object/directory/1/ Filled in manually. Now w...
4 answer
07.10.2021, 14:54
OS - Directory search not working
Help to deal with the search problem. Is this a bug?
2 answer
02.09.2021, 16:17
OS - Display order of columns in progress
I expose the fields in a certain order, save them, but it still resets. How can I put the columns in a certain order?
8 replies
26.08.2021, 16:05
OS - Multiple search fields
Tell me, is it possible to make a search in several fields, and not in one, as it is now? Those. make a multi-select?
1 answer
10.08.2021, 17:01
The automatic completion of the directory does not work
Here is the guide https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/custom/object/15/field/ Here is an example process https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/c...
1 answer
15.07.2021, 17:08
directory fields bug
There was a problem with the directory https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/custom/object/21/ there are now 4 fields in the directory as seen from the ...
1 answer
21.06.2021, 17:54
OS - Reference field
If you do not remember the name of the field from the desired directory, then you need to climb into this directory - look for the field, copy, go ...
2 answer
21.06.2021, 17:40
OS - Directory groups
This was missing in the MVP version and is also missing now. When there are too many directories, they need to be grouped. Is it possible to implem...