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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
12.06.2021, 12:09
Forum improvement suggestion
Good afternoon! Please consider my proposal to improve the forum in terms of points. Now the balance of questions is replenished only when - the au...
need an example API request to Justin for invoice printing
Now it is very inconvenient to print Justin invoices, as the cost is not indicated on the invoices. We need to send those now. support an example A...
9 replies
Seller-Online Receiving payments - does not pull up payments once an hour, as it should.
Payments that are already on Seller-Online appear in OneBox only the next day.
4 answer
Stopped receiving incoming emails, gmail mail
3. Stop receiving incoming emails, gmail mail https://more-moto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/imap-1/control/ Changed the name of the main...
2 answer
Recording calls in the contact card and orders
1. Telephony Binotel. A call popup window is shown. A contact card is created when making a call. https://more-moto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users...
1 answer
My events clear
2. My events. The event counter in the menu on the left shows constantly 1313, a lot of events have accumulated. Automatic action once a day: Clear...
11 replies
filtering products in the report
Good afternoon! There is a report https://box.generator.ua/admin/report/desiner/4/view/?filter_order_cdatefrom=202...
Not working Make a payment
Good afternoon. At the stages Overlay received J and Overlay received Y, the payment should be made and the status should be switched to Completed,...
3 answer
11.06.2021, 12:05
Inventory record is not displayed correctly
In this process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/peremeshcheniya-mezhdu-skladami/199522... We moved the goods, and then edited the opt...
1 answer
11.06.2021, 11:00
Export contacts
I'm trying to export the database Nothing arrives in the mail https://ubp.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/exchange-xls/