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Application Questions and Answers «»

7 replies
20.08.2021, 10:11
Refinement (change interface)
Colleagues, good afternoon! I ask you to evaluate the revision of the OS. In the display of tasks by a calendar, you need to place the time horizon...
6 replies
20.08.2021, 09:59
Completion to the action Write out a document - save it pdf in the field with the file type
Good afternoon! https://crm.ohrana.ua/ It is necessary to refine the action Write out a document, add a setting so that when generating a document,...
2015840164 - Improved the functionality of the action "Send universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms"
For the action "Send a universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms", the setting "Send if there is one of the products in the process"...
2015840828 - Improved the functionality of the "Products table" block
Added 2 columns to the "Products by table" block: Add button and Subtract button, there are settings: - quantity to add/subtract; - the f...
2015840821 - Added a setting to the "Production" action
Added setting to the "Production" action "Run the action only for the products of the process that participated in other warehouse o...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
19.08.2021, 22:10
When filtering by brand, other filters on the site disappear
Here is a filter without a brand https://baza.cn.ua/kolgotki/?filterpricefrom=&filterpriceto=&filterprese... All filters are there, for ex...
4 answer
19.08.2021, 21:29
Bug. Duplicate task statuses when creating
Task statuses are duplicated when creating an order bp "Customer Order"
6 replies
19.08.2021, 21:27
Bug. No "Check Stock" action in OneBox OS
Workflow does not have "Check Stock" action in OneBox OS Please correct.
2 answer
19.08.2021, 16:59
OS: in case of opibutkuvannі not forfeit vibranі fіltri goods
I'm trying to buy goods with filters. For whom I built additional fields for the warehouse, tied with filters. Ale, the goods are delivered to...
1 answer
19.08.2021, 15:51
stopped receiving orders from the outlet
please solve the problem as soon as possible!