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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015573003 - Improvement of the action "Submit business process to API"
For the BP action “Submit business process to API”, the setting “Do not overwrite existing additional field” has been improved. By default, the act...
2015567571 - Sorting goods in the warehouse
For the table “Balance of products in warehouses” of the “Balance in warehouse” section, it has been improved so that when the default sorting “pro...
2015570678 - Finalization of Viber last message variable
Improved variable: [lastViberComment] - the last viber message, with the ability to use it in actions: - Write the value in the additional field; -...
2015570642 - Improvement of the action “Check for a comment in the process and switch the stage”
The BP action “Check for a comment in the process and switch the stage” has been improved. The action checks for an incoming Viber message from the...
2015568659 - Update contact photo via API
The image parameter has been added to the contact update method, which allows you to upload an image to the contact card. If it already exists, the...
2015566581 - Refinement of the contact filter block "Connections"
For the Contacts filter, the ability to change the name of the filter has been improved
2015563474 - Improved action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”, the settings have been impr...
2015567303 - Improved action “Unknown number detected”
For automatic action once a minute “Unknown number detected”, the setting “Record the source (channel) of the call as the source of the process” ha...
2015565668 - Improvement of actions for updating the balance
For the automatic action once per hour “Update contacts from a remote database”, the setting “Clear the value of additional fields of contacts from...
2015564499 - Improvement of the BP action “Fill in the additional field of the product of the process with the amount of the product in other processes”
The BP action “Fill in the additional field of the product of the process with the amount of the product in other processes” has been improved. The...