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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
30.04.2024, 16:17
Evaluate the possibility of implementing the refinement of the bar coding function
It is necessary to create a separate program in which you can read the bar code of the product using the phone's camera and it is possible to see i...
7 replies
29.04.2024, 17:22
Unsent messages #2
Previous topic (in short, "it is not clear from the interface of the paid box application that the message was not delivered to the client") https...
You need to clean up space on the server (delete unnecessary files and logs)
Now it's like this Please issue an invoice https://akmp.com.ua/app/system-statistic/
2 answer
29.04.2024, 14:11
The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
Good afternoon, please help me solve the problem: The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
There is a problem with setting up the export of goods
Good day, https://autopartex.1b.app/app/horoshop/ Please help with setting up the export of goods to the site. Currently, an error occurs whe...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
25.04.2024, 13:30
The action that transfers the status from the Box to the Socket stopped working. Gives an error
http://prntscr.com/DtVSq-hFnkxO Maybe the problem is that the statuses in Rosetta are in Ukrainian, and in Box in Moscow? https://sellerhelp.rozetk...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.04.2024, 12:17
The process TTN number search has stopped working
Good afternoon, recently the search was working correctly, but currently we cannot find an order through a global search by specifying the TTN numb...
1 answer
24.04.2024, 21:15
Error 500 when switching to a stage
When switching to a stage, it gives an error of 500, it is not clear what is wrong. When switching to a stage, the procedure that sends a request ...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.04.2024, 09:16
Date selection with a drop-down list instead of sliders
I know for a fact that there is such a possibility, but I cannot find the settings. It is necessary to use drop-down lists instead of sliders whe...
How to combine two different business processes? That is, there is one process and a button is used to switch to another, but how to combine them? ...