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Application Questions and Answers «»

2014503161 - Changed the logic of saving the company
Now if, when creating a contact with the company type, there is a comma in its name, OneBox will automatically replace it with a space.
2014484542 - Improved course accounting when placing an order
In orders, the block “Process currency exchange rate” has been added. Block functionality: 1) the ability to choose the day of the week for which y...
2014497875 - The functionality of the warehouse movement log in the product card has been improved
The following fields have been added to the product warehouses section: 1) process client 2) BP in which the warehouse operation was carried out 3)...
2014489013 - Added order _client field to upload
The order client field (order _client) has been added to the order upload file
2014501405 - Added a field in the action "Set product availability time based on additional product field"
In the action “Set product availability time based on the additional product field”, the text field has been improved, the number of minutes specif...
2014490999 - Improved the functionality of coloring goods depending on the status
Made it possible to colorize the name of the product in the display of orders as a list (depending on the settings of the additional field)
2014502358 - Improved action "Integrate XML Contacts (Import)"
Previously, the action did not update all fields for existing contacts. Added a checkbox “Overwrite data of existing contacts”, if it is enabled, t...
2014495736 - Improved functionality for importing products from Prom
In the "PromUA / Import orders to OneBox" action, the product search logic has been improved. Works like this: When importing order produ...
2014497289 - Author column added to reserve page
A column has been added to the reserve section in which the author of the process is displayed (where this product is reserved)
2014486783 - Improved adding a process without a preliminary page in the mobile version
For the mobile version, the ability to create a process without a preliminary page has been improved (previously, the setting "create a proces...