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Application Questions and Answers «»

2014877229 - Improved actions for importing products from suppliers
For actions to import products from vendors: - Import data from ERC provider - Import data from the Brain provider - Import data from supplier YUG-...
2014876919 - Improved auto-action "Import products and categories from Bitrix"
For the automatic action "Import products and categories from Bitrix", the setting for searching categories by name has been improved
2014879261 - Improved the action “Fill in an additional field of the process or client based on the directory”
The action “Fill in an additional field of the process or client based on the lookup” previously worked: - 1 to 1 - only with process fields Improv...
2014879258 - Added a new block to the dashboard
A new dashboard block “Table with information about discounts made by each manager” has been added, the block displays the average discount of a ma...
2014877107 - Improved process interface block “Information block about the availability of process products in warehouses”
For the process interface block “Information block about the availability of process products in warehouses”, a column has been improved that will ...
2014873795 - Improved import of categories by name and import of categories from Rosette
For auto-action once per hour “Universal import of products (xml/json)”, the setting “Search and create categories only by category name without bu...
2014877293 - Improved setting in the field “Amount of balance due”
The field of the universal block “Amount of balance payable” calculates the value according to the formula: Process amount - amount of incoming pay...
2014875714 - Added product automation action
To automate products (actions when creating a card), the action “Format the value of the product filter characteristic according to the template” h...
2014874738 - Improved the action “Return the contents of the process to the warehouse”
In the action “Return the contents of the process to the warehouse”, the setting “If there is not enough goods in the warehouse, try to move it fro...
2014871789 - Added automatic action "Change the value of the additional contact field depending on the number of bonuses"
Added a new automatic action once a day “Change the value of the additional contact field depending on the number of bonuses” . The action settings...