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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015033241 - Improved action "Integrate XML products (export)"
For the "Integration of XML products (export)" action, the checkbox "All products of the selected categories, all products of child ...
2015009503 - Added BP action “Combine additional fields files into one PDF”
A new action of the business process “Combine additional fields files into one PDF” has been added, it is triggered when you go to the stage and tr...
2015033259 - Variable cost
The variable “cost” has been added to the Process Product Fields category.
2015031630 - Improved the functionality of the "Display iframe" block
Two more fields have been added for the "Display iframe" block of the product search interface: - tab name; - URL for the request. If bot...
2015014900 - Improved copying of the values of additional fields with the file type
For the action “Receipt the contents of the process to the warehouse”, the ability to copy the value of the additional field of the process product...
2015047347 - Improved the action “Issue a document”
For the action “Check out a document”, the checkbox “Do not create a document if there are no considered products” has been improved, if the checkb...
2015031642 - Improved the functionality of the product search window
Improved for the product search window: - the ability to display a column in the product search block, in which the free balance will be displayed....
2015034249 - Improved block “Search for products by barcode”
For the interface block of the “Search for products by barcode” process, the setting “Add product to the top of the list” has been improved. If the...
2015033273 - Improved event filters
Search by partial match has been improved for event filters “from” and “to”
2015014207 - Improved the output of products for the report "Warehouse needs"
For the report constructor block “Warehouse needs”, the setting "Show also products that have at least one field filled in, selected below in ...