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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.11.2022, 16:55
Enabled daily business integration in business processes
Implemented integration with the carrier service, screen 1211 What needs to be done, what needs to appear in business processes, shards of the sten...
4 answer
21.11.2022, 15:40
Tell me on which version of the system it is possible to implement the rozetka update
There is an api https://api-seller.rozetka.com.ua/apidoc/#api-Octopus, previously they gave an estimate regarding the implementation of the update....
1 answer
Personal license
21.11.2022, 14:04
To developers, bug, PDF is not generated from the generated document
https://www.loom.com/share/15ae79e790ac4ed49c131ebd089a2e7a there is no pdf in the document to send to the client portal https://absstroymarket.1b....
1 answer
Personal license
21.11.2022, 10:37
Rate the completion of the action Create a message in the message center
Need to be able to use variables from the Variables Guide for Letters and Processes in the "Create Message in Message Center" action. (no...
2 answer
Personal license
18.11.2022, 12:19
What are the limitations of OneBox OS
What are the limitations (in an exhaustive list) in OneBox OS? Those. we need to understand all the key quantifiable parameters of the system, upon...
4 answer
18.11.2022, 10:51
Additional fields tied to product filters
We created additional fields in the warehouse with binding to product filters. But when posting, additional fields are displayed, but lists of valu...
CPM does not load, hetzner server is available
in the morning I can’t go to the CPM website, it happened when there was no connection with the serser sometime, but there is a connection with the...
3 answer
Display an additional field in the order card
Good day! At the card, I need a lot of money to be stingy with every purchase earlier. For example, enter three values: the number of the engagemen...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
17.11.2022, 16:29
Emails from the drukaryk.com site (old Box) do not arrive in Box OS drukaryk.1b.app/
Emails from the drukaryk.com site (old Box) do not arrive in Box OS drukaryk.1b.app/ Maybe the problem is that the same e-mail is connected to two ...
2 answer
17.11.2022, 09:37
Developers cannot remove the filter in products
There is no option to delete the filter, there is a check mark, but it is not applied