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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015075254 - Improved action "Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)"
For the automatic action once a day “Export products in YML format”, the setting has been improved in which you can set what price (price level) to...
2015056437 - Added "Comments Report"
A new block “Report on comments” has been added to the report designer. In the block settings, you must specify the business process that will be d...
2015074681 - Improved unloading of leftovers for the action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”
For automatic action once per hour “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”, the setting has been improved, ...
2015076432 - Improved action “Import products from Magento”
For the automatic action once per hour “Import products from Magento”, the import of product categories has been improved according to the logic: t...
2015075223 - Improved dashboard block
For the dashboard block “Diagram of the ratio of open and closed business processes”, checkboxes have been improved that allow you to display: - sc...
Interface block of the "Structure of the client's holding company" process
For the process interface, the block "Structure of the holding company of the client" has been improved, which displays the holding compa...
2015067738 - Improved action “PromUA/Import Products”
In the action “PromUA/Import products”, for the checkbox “Search product category by name (when not found by external ID)”, the logic has been impr...
2015072989 - Improved process interface block “Executors”
For the “Executors” block of the process interface, the checkbox “Do not remove executors from parent processes” has been added
2015061599 - Improved action “Import processes from opencart”
For the automatic action “Import processes from opencart”, the setting has been improved, in which you can specify the delivery method, if it is se...
2015069636 - Improved integration with Horosop
For the action "Export leftover goods to Horosop", the checkbox has been improved, which unloads the availability of goods in the warehou...