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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015114151 - Improved the action “Change a process step when there are enough products in stock”
For the BP action “Change the stage of the process if there are enough products in the warehouse”, the checkbox “Check the availability of the prod...
2015103827 - Possibility to upload a model via RFP
Improved the ability to load via RFP value in the product field Model
2015108216 - Added product automation action “Copy selected fields from product counterpart”
In the automation of products when saving, the action “Copy selected fields from a product analogue” has been improved. The action looks at the lis...
2015108984 - Improved parameter in API /api/orders/update/
Variables have been improved for the /api/orders/update/ method: - suplierid - supplier ID in the system; - supliercode1c - External supplier ID
2015113977 - Ability to set the action “Send request to API” several times
For the automation action when saving the contact card “Send a request via API”, the ability to configure it several times has been improved. This ...
2015103195 - Added VAT variables for document templates
Improved two document template variables: - VAT percentage of process products; - VAT amount of process products
2015088751 - Improved contact filter, warehouse functionality
The "Number of processes" filter has been added to the "Contacts" section. For the “Balances in warehouses” section, the functi...
2015113037 - Added the amount of payment for the order in the personal account
In the online-payment process interface block, the setting “Take the amount for payment from an additional process field” has been improved
2015107410 - Improved way to display “My processes as a funnel (pipe style)
For the method of displaying processes “My processes as a funnel (pipe style)”, a setting has been added that allows you to: - choose which statuse...
2015110388 - Improved auto-completion of fields when placing an order in the personal account
When placing an order in the personal account, the fields full name and phone number are filled in automatically. Improved the checkbox in the bloc...