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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015142279 - Improvement of the action “Check the fields are full”
For the action “Check if the fields are filled in”, the setting “Read the value 0 as a filled field” has been improved
2015187633 - Added the ability to view and download files in processes
The possibility of process files has been improved: - view in preview; - download similar to how it works in events.
2015187884 - Improvement of the action “Privat24 Autoclient Export payment”
The BP action “Privat24 Autoclient Export payment” by default takes the first details specified in the process. Improved the ability for the action...
2015193527 - Improvement of the report “Balance by customers”
For the report constructor block “Balance by customers”, data calculation formulas have been changed: - Amount of payments from the client - only t...
2015189179 - Improved action “Import contact persons from Microsoft Nav”
For the "Import contacts from Microsoft Nav" action, a check by company code has been added when importing contacts in order to reduce th...
2015189179 - Automatic action “Import contacts from Microsoft Nav”
Improved automatic action once a day “Import contacts from Microsoft Nav” The action imports contacts from Nav. Search for a user by the value of t...
2015187969 - Connecting multiple Justin cabinets
The ability to connect the Justin application several times in the OneBox market has been improved, which allows you to configure integration with ...
2015134748 - Added product display block in contact card
For the interface of the contact card, the block “Products with a match by an additional field” has been improved - it will display products in whi...
2015190085 - Added document variable “name of supplier of process products”
The document variable “Name of the supplier of the process products” has been improved
2015187951 - Added new action "Change product category when conditions are met"
In the automation of products on saving, the action “Change product category when conditions are met” has been improved, which will change the prod...