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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015225248 - Improved action “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)”, the setting “Upload options...
2014797688 - Sending a sign that the contact is deleted
Now it is possible to transfer the attribute “remote” when integrating contacts. To do this, in the automatic action once per hour “Integrate conta...
2015205494 - Added the ability to open the printing of price tags from the Magazine
The “Print barcodes” button has been added to the transaction view page in the log, which redirects to the printing of price tags, where the produc...
2015209301 - Added a block in the product interface "Payments with matching by an additional field"
For the product interface, the "Payments matching the additional field" block has been improved; the block displays payments for which th...
2015163085 - Product search by name flexbe
Previously, when importing orders from flexbe, the item was added to the process as a dummy item. The search for products in OneBox by name has bee...
2015157673 - Refinement of integration with Nova Poshta
For integration with Nova Poshta, the setting “Record TTN ref after creation in an additional field” has been improved
2015197899 - Changing table width
In the settings of the product table (process interface), it became possible to set the width of the table columns. To do this, added the setting “...
2015199434 - Improved action "Submit business process to API"
For the action "Submit a business process to the API", the setting "Do not add a comment to the process" has been improved
2015205522 - Improved action “Copy process fields”
For the BP action “Copy process fields”, the ability to copy the value of the “Warehouse name to be moved” field has been improved
2015194134 - Improved integration with youscore.com.ua
- in action in the automation for contacts, the checkbox "Update data on save (by default, data is written only on the first save)" has b...