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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015259111 - Improvement of the action “Calculate and write the value to the additional field if the conditions are met”
The ability to use PHP functions has been added for the action “Calculate and write the value to an additional field if the conditions are met”. To...
2015249177 - Added action once per hour “Monobank Statement”
Added a new automatic action once per hour “Monobank Statement” - the action receives payment statements from Monobank.
2015254873 - Refinement of the type of additional fields of process products
For additional fields of process products, the field type "Address with a hint from google (for correct operation, you must fill in the "...
2015262190 - Recalculation of the filter margin when exporting products to OpenCart
Improved so that when exporting products to OpenCart, the cost of the filter margin is converted to the OpenCart currency
2015251259 - Added an hourly action “Copy the value of an additional category field to the additional field of products in this category”
Added a new automatic action once per hour “Copy the value of the additional field of the category to the additional field of products of this cate...
2015255952 - Added the ability to disable the input of values that are not specified in the settings of the additional field
Added the ability in the additional field of the process product to prohibit entering values that are not specified in the settings of this additio...
2015255979 - Improvement of additional process fields
In the settings of the additional fields of the process, the setting “Search only contacts created by the user who performs the search” has been ad...
2015247309 - Refinement of the block “Product Search”
For the interface block of the "Product Search" process, the ability to display the name of the product filters has been added, and oppos...
2015254415 - Refinement of the process interface fields in the LC
For the universal block in the process card interface settings for the mobile version, two fields have been added: - stock; - cell
2015258841 - Improvement of integration with Privatbank/monobank payment by installments
Previously: in integration with PrivatBank / payment in installments, Monobank / payment in installments when sending payment from the product tabl...