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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015407169 - Improvement of the action “Turn a call into a process”
For the automatic action “Turn a call into a process”, the setting “Additional field in which to write the number to which the call was made” has b...
2015408294 - Improved output of comments in process and contact
The ability to display comments in the form of: - who wrote - when left - the comment itself
2015409164 - Improved action "Import orders from Rozetka Seller API"
For the automatic action once a minute "Import orders from Rozetka Seller API", the setting "Calculate the discount amount and set f...
2015396905 - Refinement of the conditions in the actions of checking the presence and reserve
For actions: - check the availability of products in stock; - change the stage of the process in the presence of a sufficient number of products in...
2015398615 - Refinement of integration with Nova Poshta
In the settings of the Nova Poshta application, the checkbox “When creating a TTN, round the delivery cost according to mathematical rules” has bee...
2015403230 - Improvement of the action “Check for the existence of a process for a client”
For the BP action “Check for the presence of a process for a client”, the setting “Take into account completed stages” has been improved
2015404845 - Improvement of the action “Change business process and stage depending on field values”
For the BP action “Change a business process and stage depending on the values of the fields”, the ability to select the field “Return shipping TTN...
2014858879 - Completion of the Bonus Report
Added the column “Customer's company” to the bonus report
2014858879 - Completion of the Bonus Report
Added the column “Customer's company” to the bonus report
2015399127 - Improved adding a call event to a process
Improved so that when adding an event to the process (using the “share” button), the call will also be added if there is no audio recording of the ...