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Application Questions and Answers «»

,the site is not working
, the site does not work, there is no access to the crm, it is required to fix it promptly rovo.org.ua
12 replies
27.02.2021, 14:38
Accident. System not working
The site lies https://chinim.com.ua/
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
27.02.2021, 13:42
finalize the action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)" (add the ability to select category fields that need to be uploaded to OpenCart)
I ask for the action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)" to the list of fields for uploading ...
1 answer
27.02.2021, 13:21
How to unload all the characteristics (filters) of a product into an XML file like a promotional one?
How to unload all the characteristics (filters) of a product into an XML file like a promotional one? Tried in various ways - but the characteristi...
On my site, two categories have merged into one. That is, the former category became a subcategory. I can't figure it out and go back to the pr...
2 answer
Contact preview in business process list, table.
help set up the display of contact previews in orders as a list. I want the preview to display additional fields with the information we need? Than...
6 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
27.02.2021, 09:39
Consultation on Universal import of products (xml/json)
У мене стоїть на вигрузці прайс https://family-tex.com.ua/yandex_market.xml?hash_tag=c2eda6737bb8713681895d23a46...
Telegram bot (notification of new messages in the Unified Chat)
Please tell me how to set up a telegram bot, it is necessary that notifications about new messages (from bots) fall in the Unified Chat ?
2 answer
26.02.2021, 23:22
Presence setting in action Generic Products Import (xml/json)
Hello. 1) Please tell me, if the XML file contains the quantity of goods https://prnt.sc/107v9lj , then in which field it will be correct to indica...
Evaluate the revision - Set the value of the Additional product field through the menu of mass changes
in my CRM, a system of prices and discounts is implemented when the discount is placed in the additional field of the product. You need to be able ...