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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015398531 - Refinement of the report "Warehouse needs"
For the report constructor block “Warehouse needs”, the ability to select a supplier from an additional field in the report has been improved. The ...
2015401123 - Improved action “Update documents in progress”
For the BP action “Update documents in process”, the setting “Update the legal entity of the document if it is selected in the process” has been added
2015399270 - Improvement of the action “Change a process step when there are enough products in stock”
For the BP action “Change the stage of the process if there are enough products in stock”, the ability to start only if the process is at the stage...
2015399126 - Improvement of the action “Add call to comments”
For the BP action “Add a call to comments”, the setting “Add a call to comments even if there is no call record” has been improved
2015398329 - Refinement of product search in progress
For the “Product Search” block of the process interface, the ability to search only by exact match has been added
2015399307 - Improvement of the “WordPress / Import Products” action
For the automatic action once per hour “WordPress / Import Products”, the setting "Load the sale price and the strikethrough price based on th...
2015396935 - Improvement of contact change history
Improved so that changes made to legal details are recorded in the contact change history
2015398545 - Improvement of the action “Receipt the contents of the process to the warehouse”
For the BP action “Receipt the contents of the process to the warehouse”, the setting “If the "Update price and currency for the product suppl...
2015398958 - Improved import of goods from yml
In the unloading of goods yml, the processing of tags has been improved: seoh1 seo title seodescription seo content seokeywords (or keywords)
2015395678 - API revision
For the /api/orders/get/ method "Getting one order and getting all orders", the parameter has been improved: searchclientphone (formatted...