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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
01.03.2021, 18:43
Is there an automation that can dump all files in one business process into one folder in the file storage?
We are very actively loading files, and now there is a bit of a mess in the file storage. How can we make it so that, for example, all files from t...
1 answer
Additional question on the report
https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/reports-and-analytics/7346-dorabotka-bloka-otc... - there was such a consultati...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
01.03.2021, 17:48
Modify the "Document Viewer" block - add a checkmark "display additional documents from subprocesses"
Modify the "Document Viewer" block - add a checkbox "display additional documents from subprocesses", when enabled, all documen...
4 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
01.03.2021, 17:44
Large virtual machine disk space
What files and/or folders can be cleaned up on the server to reduce the disk space of the virtual machine?
2 answer
01.03.2021, 16:36
Conditions for displaying fields
For some reason, the fields are hidden selectively. https://prnt.sc/10agdhv Custom fields are not hidden. Is it fixable? https://prnt.sc/10agea8
8 replies
01.03.2021, 16:30
View files in progress
File preview does not open the first time. This almost always happens, you have to click back and forth several times to view the file. Is it fixable?
Case studies of implemented projects based on OneBox
Previously, on the site it was possible to view cases of implemented projects based on OneBox. Where can you see them now?
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
01.03.2021, 13:55
add fields in the action "Specify settings for TTN" (street, house, apartment)
It is necessary to add fields in the action "Set settings for TTN" - Additional field of the client of the process from which to take the...
Revaluation or markdown of goods at the time of sale
How to sell goods different from the price of the goods received? That is, the sale is made at a higher or lower price than credited to the warehou...
17 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
01.03.2021, 13:26
Incorrect work of additional work Display information on warehouses and suppliers according to the access rights of the employee
https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/grid/product/ in the customization of the template https://prnt.sc/10a9rto at the depositor card of the product є dіy...