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Application Questions and Answers «»

Problem with the new mail block, data is downloaded from Rosette, but the system sends it to the wrong place
The problem with the block is new mail, the data is unloaded from the Rosette, but the system sends it to the wrong place. Sending takes place in O...
9 replies
26.03.2021, 10:01
Evaluate the revision: change the checkerboard interface
Good afternoon! Colleagues, it is necessary to evaluate the refinement. 1. In the client's checkerboard, processes are displayed in the context...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
26.03.2021, 09:07
the settlement is displayed as a street in the directories of New mail
please check why the settlement "Sofіїvska borshchahіvka" is displayed as a street of Kyiv in the directories of Nova Poshta despite the...
11 replies
Client login error
When trying to enter the client part (https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/client/) under some users (for example, mazursvatoslav@gmail.com or sony25@u...
2015769926 - Improved the functionality of the "Remove customer contact from group" action
For the "Remove customer contact from group" action, the ability to select all groups at once, in one click, has been added.
1 answer
The cost of selling a product does not match the cost of producing it.
I noticed that in the production order, a product is created from the material, but when the product itself is sold, the sale price is different. /...
1 answer
Joomla integration
Good afternoon! Do you have instructions for connecting with Joomla? Where can I get information to complete the integration?
facebook connection
Facebook connection required. where you can see how it will look like (entering questions in the messenger, comments, whether it is possible to set...
5 replies
25.03.2021, 17:58
image size in html
Document Template https://farfor.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/17/control/ In it, I added the output of the image through a variable...
Fondy how does it work?
Found integration with Fondy https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/fondy-integration/control... Somehow clients need to send a payme...