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Application Questions and Answers «Client's personal account»

7 replies
02.03.2023, 10:39
The file type field in the client's cabinet is displayed as the path to it
The file type field in the client's cabinet is displayed as the path to it. The problem is precisely in the block with the "Universal client block...
7 replies
13.02.2023, 14:36
Improvements to the display of tables in the Products, List of processes, Table of process products of the client's personal account (OK) blocks
Good afternoon, I would like to ask you to rate the following updates for the "Customer's Personal Account" module (OK): 1. Block &qu...
1 answer
03.01.2023, 16:58
Not loading cducpnlllc.crm-onebox.com
OneBox OS System -- Not loading cducpnlllc.crm-onebox.com due to system not being used for more than 7 days, cloud version, free use 1 user.
6 replies
14.11.2022, 12:01
Evaluate improvement. Universal client block. Make the field edit icon always show up, not just when you hover over it.
Evaluate improvement. Universal client block. Make the field edit icon always show up, not just when you hover over it. Or option #2. Make it possi...
1 answer
How to draw the attention of developers to the issue?
Asked a question https://1b.app/ru/forum/client-cabinets/15721-v-lk-klienta-v-pole-naimenovanie-p...
4 answer
10.11.2022, 16:17
Please fix it urgently. Fields with the type of multi-list fly when editing any other fields from the client's office
Bug!!! Please fix it urgently. 1. Fields with the type of multilists fly away when any other fields are edited from the client's account. Tolya...
4 answer
07.11.2022, 10:19
Evaluate improvement. Add a field display condition to the universal LC interface settings block
In the universal block for setting the interface of the Personal Account, add the condition for displaying the fields as it was done in the univers...
15 replies
In the client's personal account, in the Product Name field, information from the Product Description field is pulled up
In the client's personal account, in the Product Name field, information from the Product Description field is pulled up. Why is this happening...
7 replies
03.11.2022, 16:40
Estimate Doopratsyuvannya. In the custom cabinet, a block list of processes, to add the ability to design processes for all coristuvachs.
Estimate Doopratsyuvannya. In the customization of the special office, a block list of processes, to add the possibility of inventing the process f...
3 answer
31.10.2022, 10:40
Please rate the revision. In the client's office in the comments, display only the name of the contact.
Please rate the revision. In the client's office in the comments, display only the name of the contact. We hide the surname and patronymic And...