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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

3 answer
Personal license
29.08.2023, 11:42
Automation stopped working Universal import of products (xml/json)
In the https://blokpost.1b.app/ box, since the 26th, products from feeds that we download with automation once an hour "Universal import of product...
3 answer
Personal license
28.08.2023, 17:29
Rate the update to the "Send price list every hour/day" action
Appreciate the update to the "Send price list every hour/day" action to add two empty columns without a title at the beginning of the table being u...
1 answer
23.08.2023, 13:07
Moving goods with actions
Good afternoon In the task https://topbox.1b.app/20043/ It is not possible to move goods 937Chevron Trident from the Chevron warehouse to the Logis...
Distribution of statements
Good afternoon, please tell me how to correctly configure the automatic distribution of bank statements, in the automation settings, the statement ...
6 replies
01.08.2023, 16:04
Improvement: Add a multilist of warehouses to the action "Record the quantity of the product that can be produced in the additional field of the product"
I ask you to calculate the revision for the action "Record the quantity of the product that can be produced in the additional field of the product"...
automatic withdrawal of Privat 24
Good day, in the settings of the automation of statements, I entered a regular expression in the search template for searching, but the statements ...
2 answer
28.07.2023, 12:58
Process exchange between two systems
Good day! Process transfer between 2 systems is configured. https://luxshina.ua/ https://box1.luxshina.ua/Automation once per hour, action "Import ...
Tell me how to correctly enter the variables into the array, so that the client receives a list of process products on his e-mail
3 answer
ІнваФішки, консультант
26.07.2023, 16:12
The time of a missed call differs from the time of task creation by 40-60 minutes
Need help with settings as it is very critical to get the missed call task not after 40-60 minutes as it is now, but with a minimal gap in time. ...
1 answer
20.07.2023, 12:56
Exchange of processes between two OneBoxes, processes are partially transferred.
Process transfer between 2 systems is configured. Automation once an hour, action "Import processes from another Box" The problem is that the order...