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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

improved the automation of the integration of goods XML (Export)
s litіli nalashtuvannya avtomatizії Іntegratsіya opovіv XML (Export) in front of the stink boules the whole file and today I go in and the settin...
10 replies
22.06.2022, 09:12
the product is not added from the letter
Action "Turn email into a process" Why is the product not added from the email? Here are the settings For the test, I created additional ...
4 answer
Personal license
21.06.2022, 15:23
Not spratsovuє to import the price of the postal worker
Zavantazhuemo in the system of price of the employee Created Universal Product Import (xml/json) per one crown https://znaide.1b.app/app/automatiza...
3 answer
17.06.2022, 14:50
Why is the product not added from the email?
Action "Turn email into a process" Why is the product not added from the email? Here are the settings For the test, I created additional...
Do not work automatically
Good afternoon. Three weeks ago, such a problem was already boulevard, and again they do not work on automatic devices. For example, "PromUA /...
3 answer
14.06.2022, 10:09
Process not created from email
Process not created from email Box https://japanautoparts.1b.app/ Action configured In test mode, finds information about the client and other fiel...
4 answer
08.06.2022, 14:58
Formation of xml file
https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/automatization/hour/edit/ The last action that generates the xml file is configured We get an error when opening it. Pl...
5 replies
06.06.2022, 12:47
Deauthorization of clients in personal account
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/automatization/minute/edit/ You need to add an action similar to "Deactivate corystuvachiv after N hours of ina...
1 answer
03.06.2022, 16:41
Rate Send SMS message to groups of contacts
Action once a day Send SMS message to groups of contacts Here you can choose which groups to send. We want to have the ability to select the roles ...
Do not work automatically
Good afternoon. For a few days now, the deeds of automation have not been practiced. For example, "PromUA / Export products in XLS format&quot...