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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

5 replies
04.04.2023, 16:49
Question (may be improved): how to use the "Integrate CSV Products (Export)" action to transfer data with multiple data?
With the “Integrate CSV Products (Export)” action on the clock crown, you need to transfer data in several languages. That is, there is already RU,...
3 answer
04.04.2023, 16:26
Old revision question: Can't upload "additional image" in "CSV Product Integration (Export)"
Previously ordered a revision for the action "Integration of CSV products (Export)" - https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes-and-automation/165...
Pictures are not updated through the Universal import of products (xml / json)
Good afternoon. Pictures are not updated through the Universal import of products (xml / json) The Update images checkbox is selected. Please he...
2 answer
13.03.2023, 17:35
Is it possible to change the automation from "once per minute" to "once every 3 minutes"?
Is it possible to change the automation from "once per minute" to "once every 3 minutes"? Here it is: Can't find how to do this.
Need help with PREG template
The client has been configured with the "Convert letter to process" automation. https://construct.1b.app/659/ PREG template for customer-in-process...
35 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
21.02.2023, 10:43
complete the action "Turn a letter into a process" (search for the client of the process by the address of the recipient of the letter)
complete the action "Turn a letter into a process". You have to make an option "search for the client of the process by the address of the recipien...
2 answer
21.02.2023, 00:36
Unable to upload "additional image" in "CSV Product Integration (Export)"
Please tell me how to transfer all product images in the action "Integrate CSV products (Export)" on the watch crown? Now only the main image is tr...
4 answer
15.02.2023, 16:11
Action Refinement: CSV Product Integration (Export)
Guys, I need help and improvement. There is an action "Integrate CSV Products (Export)" on the watch crown. I need to pass an "additional product f...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.01.2023, 10:44
Problems with missed calls from Ringostat
Project: yesenergy,1b,app They made a call to check the creation of tasks for missed calls. Call event recorded, screen 1267. The Create a process ...
3 answer
12.01.2023, 12:18
Refinement on unloading residues
Good afternoon, we ordered a revision to upload values to our price list, upload prices and stock availability (the action is to send the price lis...