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Application Questions and Answers «API v2»

2 answer
02.08.2022, 23:09
Otrimannya zamovlennya
Good day /api/v2/order/get/ 1. Can you take away more than one (specify, as with the fields of the process) the fields of the products of the proce...
3 answer
25.07.2022, 13:47
API v2 - pass process currency
It is necessary to transfer data according to the currency of the process, and the curencyid field itself, earlier in API v.1, was out of the blue,...
4 answer
14.07.2022, 14:53
The 'filters' field is missing the filter name 'filtername'
API request api/v2/product/get/ with parameters "fields" => [ "filters" ] In the old API, filters came with the filtername f...
4 answer
13.07.2022, 19:56
api/v2/product/get/ main product from the lineup
How to get product data from the field "Use image and card as main lineup"?
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
13.07.2022, 18:33
Unable to create payment, pardon The first element of the payment array is missing
Good day, We cannot create in the payment process, we pass the following parameters: URL = 'https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/api/v2/order/get/' ...
5 replies
02.07.2022, 17:01
/api/v2/contact/get/ SQL Error
I edit the request using the /api/v2/contact/get/ method request body: { "filter": { "phones": [ "0504131703" ] } } I...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.05.2022, 21:31
OS APIv2 does not get page for /api/v2/productlist/get
Good day, In APIv2, it is not possible to pass page for /api/v2/productlist/get. If we didn’t transfer the values, we’ll always take one entry with...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
21.04.2022, 17:17
Editing the list via api OS
Good afternoon, please tell me how to take the list of prayers within the limit of one request. What should be passed in the chi parameters in the ...
7 replies
13.02.2022, 21:01
Not working api/v2/order/get/
In the file log with an array, which I send and return: Unfortunately, an unexpected error has occurred in the system.<br/> Contact official ...
5 replies
27.01.2022, 16:28
Applications are not transmitted via API
https://sambag.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/ the information on the engagements has ceased to be updated. Until then, everything was ok, i...