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Application Questions and Answers «API v2»

4 answer
18.03.2025, 11:18
API v2
Good afternoon. Can't get contact's website (user.user_urls) via api v2
1 answer
17.03.2025, 20:29
Getting contact groups by API list v2
In API1 it was possible to get a list of contact groups with hierarchy How to do this in API2?
2 answer
14.03.2025, 15:00
Obtaining images of process products
Good afternoon, I have such a request, I cannot get an image of the process products.
5 replies
12.03.2025, 13:08
Add API v2 Request
Good afternoon. Please tell me, is it possible to somehow filter out the entities deleted today?
20 replies
11.03.2025, 13:02
Filter by udatefrom
Good afternoon. Please tell me when filtering "udatefrom": "2025-03-11 10:00:00" the process https://box.fialan.com/1032288/ gets into the list, ...
10 replies
03.03.2025, 09:46
Downloading files via API
Good afternoon. Please tell me how I can get files from an additional field via API? I can get the value of the attachment, but there is some other...
5 replies
05.12.2024, 14:44
Get order order change
Good afternoon. Please tell me, /api/v2/order/get/ in the orderchange array for some reason not all the changes. The last change was in Novembe...
7 replies
05.11.2024, 17:02
Get additional contact fields when receiving a process
Good afternoon. Please advise when requesting { "fields": [ "id", "client" ], "ordertype": "DESC", "filter": { "statusid": 686 } } on /...
2 answer
01.11.2024, 10:20
Filtering by multiple values of one field
Good afternoon. Please tell me, can I filter, for example, by two "workflowid" in one request /api/v2/order/get/?
5 replies
31.10.2024, 15:16
Getting statuses
Good afternoon. Please tell me if I can get a list of statuses? I only found getting a list of business processes. /api/v2/workflow/get/