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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

3 answer
04.08.2021, 11:08
Export products to OLX via API
Tell me, is it possible to integrate this service with OneBox OS using the API? (https://developer.olx.ua/api/doc) Interested in exporting products...
Dorobka. Add the price field without VAT to the apі loading + the bagatomovnіst field for products
Need to add to API https://rovo.org.ua/api/product-get/ Bagatomovnі fields (ukr, rus, ..) Fields: name, description, SEO fields, characteristics, s...
5 replies
03.08.2021, 11:27
Estimate the term for setting up integration with a third-party site
Colleagues, good afternoon! Please evaluate the setting of data transfer from a third-party site. Documentation (api) at the link: https://sendit.r...
4 answer
28.07.2021, 22:56
The process passed by api was not created in Box
Good afternoon Today, an order http://joxi.ru/EA4YgKvsvGb4jr was sent to box, but the process was not created, the order was generated twice by the...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
27.07.2021, 14:09
api /api/contact-get/json/ has changed (a field appeared in the array of groups, the name of which consists of the group id)
Today there was an error of integration with 1s. We take contacts from the box by api (method /api/contact-get/json/ ) . Start to fail. The reason ...
1 answer
22.07.2021, 13:43
api company optim
Good afternoon! I would like to receive data via api from the optim company portal What does that require ?
1 answer
21.07.2021, 11:30
Passing Shipping Costs via API
We execute an API request to create an order, here are examples https://osetr.crm-onebox.com/admin/logs/showall/ajax/?file=orders-add-2021-07-21...
4 answer
15.07.2021, 11:03
Box update request
At https://box.peresvitbrand.com/ we now have CRM green-revolution, we need to upgrade to the mvp version
3 answer
12.07.2021, 10:00
Question about API passing xml links
Good morning! For some reason, the system started to give product photos 400*400 instead of standard sizes. Request example: https://api.newtrend.t...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
29.06.2021, 13:02
Modify api v1
There is a method /api/payment/balance/get/ 1) It is required that when requesting a balance, the balance for virtual legal entities is returned 2)...