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OneBox user forum

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23 answer
10.05.2021, 16:04
VAT is incorrectly calculated
VAT is incorrectly calculated. Here is an example process: https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/10936/edit/ And it should be like...
1 answer
10.05.2021, 15:03
Again, do not take care of nalashtuvannya diy on a hvilinny crown
Previously, they wrote about the bug: https://crm-onebox.com/support/interface/8501/ and in the past everything worked out, but today we try to cha...
8 replies
Deleting deleted contacts
You need to delete deleted contacts from the database. How to do it?
3 answer
10.05.2021, 08:44
Residuals do not pull up
Hello. The correct balances are not pulled from the 1C base. The rest are pulled from the offers file, the action does not work here. Online store ...
2015788812 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export processes to Google spreadsheets"
For the BP action "Export processes to Google spreadsheets", a setting has been added that allows you to set the conditions for unloading...
2015792507 - Added setting to action "Update order status in Rozetka Seller API"
For the BP action "Update order status in Rozetka Seller API", the setting "Run this action with the current settings for the parent...
2015783283 - Improvement on TTN tracking, which was removed from the process
Improved so that if the TTN is removed from the order, the TTN tracking on it does not work.
2015791859 - Improved markup rules display
Improved so that when you click on a rule category, all subcategory rules are displayed.
2015789956 - Added an action to bind an event to a contact card
Added a new automatic action once per hour "For contacts created in the last hour, find events and link to contacts"
2015785647 - Improved the functionality of the "Import processes from Microsoft NAV" action
For the "Import processes from Microsoft NAV" action, the setting "Select the start time of the action. If not selected, the action ...