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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2015537337 - Added KPI “Number of comments left per day”
Improved KPI “Number of comments left per day”, which displays the sum of comments left by employees per day (system notifications left on behalf o...
2015538282 - Improvement of the block “Last client events”
For the interface block of the process “Last client events”, the column “Duration of a call” has been added
2015537676 - Improved action "Check for process existence by schedule date"
For the BP action “Check the existence of a process by schedule date”, the setting “Filter the intersection of additional field values (instead of ...
2015538257 - Added redirect setting to Asterisk integration
In the integration settings with Asterisk telephony, the setting “Do not use an employee in the call forwarding API N seconds after redirection” ha...
2015535738 - Refinement of integration with Nova Poshta
For integration with Nova Poshta, the setting “If the setting "When sending TT, send the dimensions of each product separately" is enable...
2015500891 - Improved integration with MeestExpress
For integration with MeestExpress, the tab for creating TTN in the process has been improved, as well as settings for integration, where you can se...
1 answer
22.06.2020, 16:16
Subprocess Block
We suggest adding some improvements and new features to the subprocesses block (see link) https://prnt.sc/t4bqpf 1. remove unnecessary (non-informa...
2015533575 - Refinement of integration with Nova Poshta
The setting “Additional field with the amount of money transfer for manual creation of ttn” has been added to the integration settings with Nova Po...
2015530360 - Improvement of the action “Integrate XML Business Processes (Export)”
For the automatic action once per hour “Integration of XML business processes (Export)”, the setting “Upload only processes that have changed the s...
2015528142 - Improved sorting for “Block subprocesses”
For the process interface, in the “Block of subprocesses” the following has been improved: - the ability to sort by field; - setting “highlight the...