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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
07.10.2020, 16:23
Solution for a network of jewelry stores
The client has 5 offline points for the sale of jewelry. Now they work in 1s. They plan to create an online store, but they faced a problem: in ord...
Solution for the online sale of decorative products.
The client has an online sale of decorative products. The main task: 1. processing of orders received on the client's website Prom, Viber, Inst...
4 answer
how many variables are assigned to the full name in business processes
why it is no longer possible to change the client's last name in the process. one thing is written in the inside of the process, and quite anot...
5 replies
07.10.2020, 15:37
Additional person in the s-me
https://crm.mama.travel/admin/structure/ tell me how to add a new manager in c-mu?
1 answer
Question from the client's system administrator: How to backup databases correctly? Should I stop it or can it be done on a "hot"? Wh...
Solution for garment production.
The client has a sewing factory. The main task: 1. processing orders received on the client's website, 2. integration with 1C, 3. BP customer o...
3 answer
07.10.2020, 15:18
Issue an error if the number of characters in the TTN description is exceeded
In UkrPoshta, when creating TTN, there is a limit on the number of characters in the description https://prnt.sc/uuqef9 Can we make a setting to gi...
Automatic calculation of wholesale prices according to the specified functionality - Rate the improvement
Implementation of the wholesale price calculation functionality according to the rules: https://prnt.sc/uuq102 so we have it. It is necessary to be...
10 replies
07.10.2020, 15:05
Can't login to admin
Please tell me why the login at the link https://box.sameto.com.ua/ stopped working
10 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
07.10.2020, 14:58
Integration with Privat24 does not work
Implemented a merchant for connecting to the CRM system http://prntscr.com/uupsti Here we have established integration and vidpovidnu diyu: http://...