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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

3 answer
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
27.03.2021, 14:38
The bug is not filled in correctly. field.
process https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/ezhednevnaya-otchetnost/10361/... We select the field and when saving we get It also ...
1 answer
27.03.2021, 14:20
The exchange rate is not saved in the process
The exchange rate is not fixed in the process. The price of the goods is $100, the course is 28. Posting in UAH. After the course changes - 30. If ...
Information is not correctly transferred to another box
Transfer of goods from another box from slingopark.com to grudnichok.com.ua is configured But goods from slingopark.com that are in the category C...
3 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
27.03.2021, 09:06
Not working https://ekomora.ua/ 504 pardon
you see 504 when you go to any stage
When creating a TTN of a new mail, with a non-cash form of payment, an error is generated, the EDRPUO code was not found
An error occurred when creating TTN, a user with this EDRPOU was not found, everything works correctly in the new mail account.
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
26.03.2021, 18:16
How is the price of a product added to an order with WordPress?
Here are examples of orders http://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/order/39827/edit/ - the product got into the box at the price from the p...
Rows without remainder are displayed when selecting a serial number
Good afternoon. Found a bug When you select a serial number, the product table displays rows for which the balance is 0. Example from the process ...
Hourly cron not working for several hours in a row
Clock cron not working for several hours in a row crm.sportmarket.ua
3 answer
26.03.2021, 15:23
Barter order
Good afternoon. A question arose, we began to receive orders by barter. How can we take them into account so that there are no payments for them in...
Installing an SSL certificate
Please install a free SSL certificate with automatic renewal at clef.com.ua