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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

6 replies
04.04.2021, 10:01
Vendor integration partially works
Good afternoon. Connected integration with the brain provider. 1. Photos take a very long time to load, more than 4 days. 2. Not all products are u...
16 replies
03.04.2021, 15:19
Bug with stages / are not displayed in the history, do not work out
https://rivcont.info/admin/ Process https://rivcont.info/admin/customorder/order/1493136/edit/ BP https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/workflow/131/cons...
11 replies
03.04.2021, 12:53
Database files not coming
Requested to export data for mailing 24 hours have passed, the document has not been received changed mail - did not receive checked with mail ever...
6 replies
03.04.2021, 12:47
xlsx product import not working
xlsx product import not working After adding the file, selecting all the fields for import, including the thin loading of filters, nothing happened...
1 answer
03.04.2021, 11:44
Forbid posting a comment
Prohibit adding a comment - you can’t add a comment, but any message, whether it’s a viber or a telegram, can be added. Please correct so that no c...
2015766256 - Added setting for "Communication" field
In the settings of the universal block, the checkbox "Show the option of bulk adding search results for additional fields with the type of mul...
1 answer
02.04.2021, 18:10
Suggestion: Improve chat messenger
We offer, by analogy with viber chat, to fix the chat for messenger. https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/interface/5066-lenta-kommentariev---uluchshe.....
3 answer
02.04.2021, 18:08
Tell me, in the new version of onebox OS, will there be integration with the TorgSoft accounting program?
9 replies
02.04.2021, 17:53
Grow the Remaining 100 Claims with WordPress
https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ It’s necessary to finish, so that when importing the application the appointments wer...
10 replies
02.04.2021, 17:16
Sending SMS at the stage of the business process
For SMS sending, we have Turbosms connected. Mailing setup (connecting the plan and placing templates) was carried out by Onebox employees. At the ...