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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
07.04.2021, 12:46
Incorrectly showing the input price of the product in the sales BP
Є zamovlennya sale de currency dollar process https://ekomora.ua/admin/customorder/broker-ua/142544/edit/ with this formula [orderproduct_pricebase...
5 replies
07.04.2021, 12:14
The amount of payment in LC is not quite correct.
The following block was added to the interface settings of the personal account https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/boxclient/8/interface/?wor...
5 replies
07.04.2021, 12:08
TTN NP outlet
There is an action to transfer the status to the outlet, and there is a check mark Update TTN, after updating the TTN on the outlet, will the outl...
2 answer
07.04.2021, 11:27
Switch a business process step if a process is already running
I am looking for an action that will allow me to jump to another stage if this client already has a process for the desired business process. For e...
1 answer
07.04.2021, 11:13
OneBox needs to upgrade to MVP version
OneBox needs to upgrade to MVP version
2 answer
07.04.2021, 10:55
SLS certificate type
Good afternoon, we want to buy and install an SLS security certificate for a year. Help me choose the right one for our domain: bestteh.crm-onebox....
3 answer
07.04.2021, 10:24
automatic markup rule
Good afternoon! It is not possible to create a markup rule for an item. There is no category selection list.
1 answer
07.04.2021, 09:59
How to see in crm when employees entered crm and also when they left it?
Tell me, how can I see in our crm when my employees entered crm, and also when they left it?
2015775272 - Added the ability to set required fields when creating a product
For the "Additional fields" block of the interface settings when creating a new product, a field has been added in which you can specify ...
2015775523 - Improved the functionality of the action "Combine process products with the same product codes"
For the BP action "Combine process products with the same product codes", the ability to add several conditions for merging has been adde...