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List of related questions and answers «Managing the base of goods and services»

product names have been removed
for some reason, almost all product names were deleted (car tires category), please see what the matter is
5 replies
20.12.2023, 12:07
Improvement: add text hint and id to filters during import
Guys, we really need your help. I can’t import goods into the system en masse and because of this all the work is worth it ((( I have many filter...
Discount calculation
Good day. Tell me if it is somehow possible to configure that it was possible to apply a general discount to all products at once, so that each pro...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.12.2023, 18:59
How to install this application in the Client box?
The customer asked if this app can be installed? I am contacting you directly because there are no installation conditions
1 answer
05.12.2023, 11:23
What exactly does product automation 1 time per day
You can start automation for all products once a day. What kind of automation does the system run? On creation/on editing/on recalculation? Or all/...
Procurement process
Good afternoon, I have set up an automation once a day, a process for purchasing goods that have reached the minimum reserve. A certain category an...
The "product passports" application icon has disappeared
The icon of the "product passports" application has disappeared When trying to reinstall the application, it gives an error and the message "the ap...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
16.11.2023, 10:13
Restoring the product description from the backup
Good morning, the content manager made trouble with the product description when editing the products. Please restore the description field for all...
3 answer
15.11.2023, 15:23
Evaluate product search enhancements by partial match
I ask you to evaluate the modification, in which in the product search block https://i.imgur.com/j46qFue.png it will be possible to search by a par...
Importing products, truncates text when importing
entered keywords for products in excel, when importing, the side cuts off keywords, imports a small chatina in a random city... https://prnt.sc/pSt...