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List of related questions and answers «List of 2022 OneBox OS changes»

2015930897 - Added functionality for "WordPress / Update Product Discovery in WordPress"
For the "WordPress / Update product visibility in WordPress" section, added the "Update product visibility for all products (without...
2015930372 - Added functional integration with good
For the import of processes, it is good to add the setting "When searching for the process of the additional field, check the process closest ...
2015930659 - Added functionality of integration with Nova Poshta
Added the ability to win changes in the field "Description for TTN for locking". The field is in the process of integration with Nova Poshta
2015930709 - Added the ability to switch to telegram for the process
Added the ability to call through the "telephone" button, a universal process block for opening a chat in telegram. Do not allow the clie...
2015930704 - Changed the setting "When adding a payment for a client, change the amount of the invoiced payment for cim advances"
Previously, the setting "When adding a payment to the client, change the amount of the invoiced payment for this payment" was applied for...
2015930401 - Added a new way to integrate with WayForPay
Added a new message "Transfer business process at this stage, as the WayForPay payment status has changed"
2015930161 - Hot keys
Added the ability to set the launch of the "Run to" button via hotkeys. Allows you to change the number of clicks.
2015930393 - Updated in the "Export products in YML format" section
For dії once a year "Export products in YML format" added an adjustment "Group the value of one filter through a vertical boundary&q...
2015930010 - Updated in the "Integration of XML products (Export)" section
For the "Integration of XML products (Export)" section, a setting has been added, which allows you to set the import of filters with limi...
2015930400 - Added functionality to the client account
A block was added to the process in the customization of a special client account. The block can be called "Create Process"