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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015769198 - Improved the functionality of the action "Set settings for TTN"
The following settings have been added for the BP action "Set settings for TTN": - additional field of the client of the process, from wh...
2015766734 - Improved action "PromUA / receive client messages from PromUA as tasks"
For the automatic action "PromUA / receive client messages from PromUA as tasks", the ability to set the stage
2015768315 - Improved the functionality of the action "Copy fields of process products"
Added the field "Process Product Discount Amount" to the "Copy Process Product Fields" action
2015756909 - Added the ability to bulk edit process products via XLS
Added block "Change process products using XLS file" to the panel of mass operations on products Added the field "process product id...
2015766069 - Added a setting for recalculating the Privat exchange rate
Added system setting "Use non-cash rate of Privatbank for recalculation (cash is used by default)". Works with connected Privat 24 integr...
2015763445 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export goods to Horoshop"
For the "Export goods to Horosop" action, a setting has been added in which you can set the availability text that is transmitted with di...
2015766581 - Improved block "View documents"
For the "Document Viewer" block, the "Display documents from subprocesses of any level" checkbox has been added. When the check...
2015763438 - Added variables to the action "Write value to additional field"
Variables have been added for the "Write value to additional field" action: [customkey|date_format] - date value from the process's a...
2015766904 - Added filter by process products
Added process filter "Filter by multiple products in process". Two or more products can be specified in the filter, the selection will in...
2015763427 - Improved functionality of integration with YouScore
For integration with YouScore, the ability to update data in the "Updating information from YouScore" block by clicking on the button in ...