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Application Questions and Answers «Multilingual»

BUG!! Multilingualism is buggy!! the box does not allow filling in the SEO keywords field (ru)
When filling in the SEO keywords (ru) field with text in Russian, the box automatically replaces the text in English https://prnt.sc/wsskVzQTgeqC w...
5 replies
10.05.2023, 11:05
Product name in different languages in the order
Hello. Now the order is loaded with goods only in Russian, even if I choose the boxing interface in Ukrainian. How to add the product name to the o...
3 answer
13.03.2023, 17:14
It is necessary to implement synchronization according to the directory with Ukrainian. and Russian languages
Boxing https://chekhol.com.ua It is necessary to add an item for Ukrainian in editing the filter. reference version https://take.ms/6LQs8h This is ...
Multilingual stopped working
Hello! When creating a product card in Ukrainian, the product card is saved. Further, returning to Russian, the card still opens in Ukrainian. That...
3 answer
19.10.2022, 18:07
Block with dates not translated
1box https://icf.1b.app/desktop/ Ukrainian, but in blocks with dates the text is not translated https://monosnap.com/file/bFeIT5UDepgZOVCWM2oJiNz45...
2 answer
settings are not saved
The language settings are not saved - I choose Ukrainian, but it switches to Russian after rebooting, when switching to other processes, or when op...
11 replies
Personal license
17.08.2022, 01:10
OS english interface
we are setting up boxing in English, we found several places where we ask for translation: 0) entrance to the box is only in Russian https://www.sc...
6 replies
no multilingual fields for product categories
In the settings, I enabled checkboxes for multilingual fields for categories but the fields were not added here is an example category https://lum...
Are you planning to build a Ukrainian platform?
Chi є in plans to transfer your platform to the Ukrainian one, so that the Ukrainian main one will be added. Abo accept the cost of the available o...
3 answer
30.06.2022, 10:50
Automatic actions not working
Good afternoon! After connecting multilingualism, automatic actions stopped working, API prices are not updated, price recalculation does not work,...