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Application Questions and Answers «»

2015082008 - Improved the action “Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field”
For the automation action when saving the product card “Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field” has been improved: ...
2015126725 - Improved action “Import processes from opencart”
For the action “Import processes from opencart”, checkboxes have been improved: - Update prices of process products in existing processes; - Update...
2015082337 - Improved import of products from Prom.ua
In the automatic action once a day “PromUA/Import products” there is a checkbox “Update product found by name”, which updates all product fields. A...
2015085995 - Improved /api/orders/add/ and /api/orders/get/ methods
For the /api/orders/add/ method, the ability to transfer process contacts has been improved (we get the contactsArray array, the logic for searchin...
2015079723 - Improved integration with Telegram
Improved for integration with Telegram: - process interface block through which you can correspond with the client if you have a chat id telegram; ...
2015079607 - Improved setting of access to knowledge base articles
On the page for adding an article, there is a setting for selecting employees/roles who will have access to this article. Improved so that the abil...
2015079061 - Listening to conversation recordings for Mango Office telephony
In Mango Office telephony, the API has changed through which the recording of the conversation is transmitted (previously, a link to the audio reco...
2015079297 - Improved export of processes to XLS additional fields with the type "Contact directory"
In the settings of additional fields, the setting has been improved, where you can set the formula for unloading the fields of the contact card, wh...
2015080678 - Improvement of button folding in the process interface
In the process interface settings, in the “Show process buttons” menu, the checkbox “Hide the panel with stages” has been added. If the checkbox is...
2015082628 - Refinement of the way the Timeline is displayed
For the way of displaying the Timeline, it has been improved so that when scrolling down, the table header is fixed