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Application Questions and Answers «Importing processes»

8 replies
17.12.2023, 16:04
Onebox MVP cron not working
Cron stopped working spontaneously on Onebox MVP. This is the picture in the north load control panel https://i.imgur.com/UUXyLPe.png If anyone is ...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
09.10.2023, 13:13
The "upload to XML" action does not upload additional fields to a file
Good afternoon Additional process fields are not uploaded to XML. Procedure https://polax-onebox.1b.app/app/workflow/3/procedure/29/ Please tell me...
5 replies
Please estimate the cost of improvement
Now it pulls orders by the process ID or process name column. It is necessary to make it so that orders are searched in the column by the value of ...
1 answer
Get extra money: export price for a product from a process
The problem is described here: https://1b.app/ru/forum/other/14091-eksportuietsya-ne-korektna-tsina-produktu/ How much additional treatment - tell ...
9 replies
Import orders and statuses
Previously, when I pressed the "paid" button in the order card, the box allowed me to create a sticker for the parcel, but now it throws ...
15 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
13.06.2022, 13:07
Import does not create processes
Hello! Automatic action once per hour, processes are not created and fields are not updated https://om24.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Can y...
Processes are not unloaded in exl and csv
Good afternoon. https://sobr.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/?statusid%5B0%5D=83&stat...
9 replies
How to make sure that processes are not updated?
I have action https://omegacrm.opbx.ml/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ It has a setting It updates all processes, not just those in the selected s...
14 replies
11.10.2021, 17:40
Not spratsovuє dіya Import processes XLS/XLSX OS
Tell me, be kind, like the fields of obov'yazkovі to the bottom, so that the processes were going on? The file was uploaded to FTP, everything ...
8 replies
Personal license
28.09.2021, 15:01
OS: Import processes
When importing processes, it is not possible to select a column with goods (I will call it a code and a quantity). In MVP, you can specify the name...