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Application Questions and Answers «Documents»

Barcode printing
Why does the barcode in format 39 look so crooked? Letters are not displayed at all in strokes, where which letters of the Latin alphabet are omitt...
8 replies
05.10.2023, 17:48
Document number formula
For the template https://aquadevice.crm-onebox.com/app/document/templates/52/control/, the formula for document number [template.numberyear:1:2499]...
3 answer
04.10.2023, 12:08
Facsimile legal seal faces in document variables
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/document/templates/2/control/ It is necessary to display a facsimile stamp of the selected legal entity. persons in...
3 answer
Personal license
22.09.2023, 11:46
Does not allow writing the full name of the document
I enter the name of the document: Expense invoice from "Name" LLC, name https://i.imgur.com/eThI7F2.png I save, then exit and the incomplete name o...
Printing of price tags by articles
This is the problem, if you enter several identifiers of the product in the product field in the settings for printing price tags, everything works...
6 replies
20.09.2023, 04:55
Add variables to warehouse document type
Here you need to add https://box.yerocolors.com/app/document/templates/33/control/ document variables which are here https://box.yerocolors.com/app...
HTML code for letters
Good afternoon, tell me how to correctly specify the html code to pull the product image into the letters, my code is on the image line: Image s...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
26.06.2023, 14:59
Printing subprocess documents does not work
Good day, Process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/484104/?tabid=0 Procedure: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/26/procedure/293/ The proc...
Documents do not open
previously (until today) when clicking the PDF button, the file opened in a new window, and it could be printed now when you click on the button, ...
6 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
22.06.2023, 10:33
Printing a document in pdf instead of opening, the file is immediately downloaded
Good afternoon Today, the printing of documents in pdf has ceased to open, now there is an automatic download. How can I get back the function Prin...