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Application Questions and Answers «»

Optimize site performance
We need to increase the performance of opening a product card on the website This is the product card block PageSpeed ​​Insights shows on average 4...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.02.2024, 11:19
Take your FIRST step into a managed business and start by creating a product catalog if you still have everything in Excel
TAKE THE FIRST STEP TO A MANAGED BUSINESS YOUR TIME IS AN INVALUABLE RESOURCE Invite a Partner with whom you are ready to embark on a twenty-da...
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08.02.2024, 17:45
The balance on the date is not correct
Good day If you use the block "Balance for the period" and select today's date, it shows for some reason Final balance: $184.61 Although, for a lon...
Improvement of the calculator on the website
Needs improvement https://tashuta.ua When choosing a product, the calculator now calculates: (product price + option price + option price2...) *...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
07.02.2024, 17:23
CRM LESSONS: a practical course for an entrepreneur
Whether you are new to CRM or an experienced user, this course will provide you with useful knowledge, tips and practical skills. Our experts will ...
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06.02.2024, 18:24
We set up automation, but it works only when we edit the directory entry in manual mode
The automation fills the reference field, but it does so only when we edit the record in manual mode, when we tried to edit the record through the ...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
05.02.2024, 12:03
RATE THE PRODUCT: In the form you need to enter the City and Branch of the New Post Office
Here is the existing form: https://ngogarua.1b.app/app/forms/10/edit/ As NEEDED: In the form, we display fields with a choice: ...
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05.02.2024, 11:53
Product reserve does not work correctly
Good afternoon. There is a problem with the item reserve action not triggering correctly. It is necessary that when moving to a stage, the product ...
Integration of orders from the box
Congratulations! When we add an additional product to the order in the box to the current order that came from the outlet, it is not pulled up for ...
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02.02.2024, 07:21
How can product categories and/or suppliers not be set to "vendor availability" in a product?
Tell me how to not set “supplier availability” for certain categories of products and/or for certain suppliers, that is, the checkbox should be unc...