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Application Questions and Answers «»

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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
26.12.2023, 14:08
Data with type and delivery address is not copied
There is an imperative need to separate two tasks: - order - delivery by Nova Poshta When we choose the Warehouse-Warehouse delivery type in ...
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23.12.2023, 08:56
Search cities in two languages
By default, the New Mail api settings are set to "Ukrainian". The connection settings enable the ability to search for cities in two languages...
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23.12.2023, 08:31
Contact address disappears
The address disappears during certain actions in the contact card
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
20.12.2023, 13:40
It is really possible to create a cool Telegram bot with buttons. I can teach you too ;)
This is the kind of request I received through the Telegram bot I created. And, cut off... Because when I opened the contact card to review the d...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
18.12.2023, 19:02
There is a full order address, the city is not transferred from the address to the TTN Nova Poshta block
In the delivery problem, we display the system field: The address is order.order_clientaddress Data from this field are transferred to the TTN ...
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Boxing increases the size of product photos by 10,,,20 times
https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/product/717/edit/ here is an example of a product the first photo 200kb JPG is uploaded to the product card https:/...
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07.12.2023, 11:02
Add an app avatar on the My Apps page
Guys, I ask you to display application avatars on this page https://1b.app/ru/billing/apps/, otherwise I was in a hurry and paid for the wrong appl...
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The prices of goods in the order are reset, the required prices in the order are not saved
Good afternoon. A question for the developers or maybe someone has encountered a similar situation. Situation: the client has a price level set to ...
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Long task loading and login issues
When opening or saving a task, 2-3 minutes pass before this action takes place. In this case, the loading of other pages stops or gives an error. A...
Price with VAT
Good afternoon, I have a business process where a person enters goods and places them in the warehouse. Also configured to update the purchase pric...