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Application Questions and Answers «Automation»

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.11.2023, 16:39
Errors in the operation of the action: Integration of XML products (Export)
Adjusted action: XML Product Integration (Export) to export products to an xml file. But incorrect ones are extracted to the file: - Name of go...
4 answer
11.10.2023, 14:21
Turn call to process automation is not working
Tell me why the call did not turn into a process? Here is the link to the event https://proektobk.1b.app/app/event/145115/ automation is configured
10 replies
05.10.2023, 11:33
Refinement of action: Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments
[Automatic once per minute] Distribute payments across processes based on expected payments Add functionality to this action: 1. Business proces...
8 replies
18.09.2023, 16:36
Today, letters to the supplier stopped being sent
Today, letters to the supplier stopped being sent. At the "Order sent automatically" stage, the sending of a document with a list of goods to the s...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.09.2023, 15:07
The Google Translate translation api has not been working correctly for more than a month
Good afternoon, the Google Translate service is selected in the automation, but the logs show that the call is made via the Deep api - please fix i...
5 replies
Unloading leftovers from the warehouse in XL
No download button in XL after update
3 answer
Personal license
29.08.2023, 11:42
Automation stopped working Universal import of products (xml/json)
In the https://blokpost.1b.app/ box, since the 26th, products from feeds that we download with automation once an hour "Universal import of product...
3 answer
Personal license
28.08.2023, 17:29
Rate the update to the "Send price list every hour/day" action
Appreciate the update to the "Send price list every hour/day" action to add two empty columns without a title at the beginning of the table being u...
6 replies
01.08.2023, 16:04
Improvement: Add a multilist of warehouses to the action "Record the quantity of the product that can be produced in the additional field of the product"
I ask you to calculate the revision for the action "Record the quantity of the product that can be produced in the additional field of the product"...
Process exchange between two systems
Good day! Process transfer between 2 systems is configured. https://luxshina.ua/ https://box1.luxshina.ua/Automation once per hour, action "Import ...