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Application Questions and Answers «API»

Orders received by the system via API are not created
Orders received via API are not created. At the same time, one order out of ten was created. The difference in the logs was only in the address, wh...
1 answer
30.11.2022, 22:05
API access to the message center
Please tell me how to get API access to OS message center?
5 replies
Personal license
25.11.2022, 14:00
Make client phone or email field optional
Here https://1b.app/ru/api/orders/ there is a method /api/orders/add/ For the project https://univer.1b.app/ Remove the requirement for a phone num...
2 answer
22.11.2022, 10:34
Empty api requests come. Is it possible to see what ip or domain they come from?
Empty API processes are created. But I just can not find what the problem is and where they fly from. Is it possible to see what ip or domain they ...
1 answer
09.11.2022, 17:46
Pass the process to the API
Is it possible to change the status depending on the parameters in the response to the request? (there is no response code) If so, please let me kn...
API Issuing in ROZETKA create integration
Good afternoon, integrators and clients of boxes. Surely many have integration with the Rosetka, but the creation of receipts for issuance at the R...
5 replies
API new mail in old version of onbox
why does the api work correctly in onebox OS, are there all branches of the NP? And in the old one for half a year they still didn’t fix it?
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
26.10.2022, 10:59
Does not update the products in the order through the API
Here is an example of an order https://fr-auto.1box.link/1488/ Here is the log of the renewal of the order by goods (you need to search by order nu...
2 answer
19.10.2022, 09:47
method - /api/storage-translocation/product/updatebalance/
Hello! Box - flexservice.1b.app I make a request to update the balance in the warehouse using the /api/storage-translocation/product/updatebalance/...
8 replies
Personal license
06.10.2022, 12:40
Change encoding to utf-8 when passing process to API
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/47/action/new/ Action "Submit process to API setup". You need to transfer data in ut...