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OneBox user forum

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3 answer
21.07.2021, 09:57
Product packaging
Please swap Width and Length in this block. The result will look like this: Length - Width - Height - Weight - Volume Thank you!
2 answer
21.07.2021, 05:58
Product in multiple categories
Please tell me the correct solution for placing one product in several categories.
1 answer
21.07.2021, 05:47
Error creating category
Throws an error when creating a new category. It would make sense to automatically assign a new code when a new category is created, or give a norm...
15 replies
21.07.2021, 01:23
You need to copy the product filters to the found product
box https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin I need to implement the following: 1) If the product meets the conditions of additional fields, then when s...
2015827391 - Added setting to "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action
For the action "Integration of XML products (Export)", the setting "Run once every N minutes (if it is not specified to run once per...
2015822814 - Added a setting to check for the presence of a product passport
Added setting "Allow product to be added to manufactured products of only one passport". Allows you to check for the presence of a produc...
2015827253 - Improved the action "Fill in an additional field based on the data of the directory"
Added the ability to select the field "Product brand (id)" to the "Fill in an additional field based on the lookup data" action
2015828579 - Improved the functionality of the action "Send a request via api"
Added parameter "Product category and additional categories (array with names)" to the action of automation of products "Send a requ...
6 replies
Good evening, earlier in the contacts the client's orders were visible in detail, now there is no information, and clicking on the order displa...
2 answer
20.07.2021, 19:48
OS - Crm / application copy
https://rivcont.info/desktop/ There is an application With custom display settings I copy the application Setting up other steps to display But,...