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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
01.02.2022, 14:16
OS - Mark all viewed
Often there are a lot of notifications and clicking on each one to mark all viewed is not very convenient. It happens that you only need to view th...
3 answer
incomplete display of payment fields
https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/20215/ if you open a payment from the process, the fields Client and Bank details do not display the information in ...
9 replies
For 1 product, 2 reservations are placed from this order.
In the BP "Corporate orders", at the stage "[To] Manufactured", author is set. action "Reserve process content in warehous...
5 replies
01.02.2022, 11:18
Pardoning the date and hour
In processes with fields of type "date and hour", the date and hour were changed to the text [cdatetime]. If I change this text manually ...
In the goods for orders, it is written in the text field "Available" in the Russian language, as a request, the word was written in Ukrainian. movi
In the goods for orders, it is written in the text field "Available" in the Russian language, as a request, the word was written in Ukrai...
When creating a document in xls, I create it like a document
When creating a document Photo1 in xls i create yogo as a document web page photo2 and show the pardon to the client when he wakes up photo3 Cher...
3 answer
EvoSmart Solution
01.02.2022, 08:26
The universal import action stopped working again
From yesterday morning again stopped importing goods through the universal import action. This is not a single case, something needs to be done so ...
4 answer
31.01.2022, 22:06
Not spratsovuє hvilinny kroner
Good day. No cheap kroner https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/shop/statistic/ Please help!
11 replies
The value of the additional product field in OneBox is not transferred to the product field of Opencart
We need to transfer similar products from OneBox to the Opencart website. We have created an additional product field as the value/id of the produc...
1 answer
31.01.2022, 14:26
Rate integration with smsclub
There is a service for sending SMS https://my.smsclub.mobi/api/index It is necessary to evaluate the refinement of integration with it so that you ...