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Search results for query #onebox

1 answer
Removal of Analogue Products
Interested in how you can remove analogues of products using import. those. mass clearing of this table/deleting one item in the list by product id
4 answer
21.03.2024, 09:22
Doesn't allow me to box
Good afternoon Please tell me why I can’t log into my box, it says: The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0 Altho...
4 answer
Change of access rights to the company account
Good day. The access rights to drukmagic.1b.app have changed, in what way is it possible to restore the rights of the account administrator, when t...
3 answer
The invoice is not generated today
Good afternoon Today the Omniva invoice stopped being generated - it gives an error. We wrote to Omniva TP - we are waiting for an answer. How t...
Questions for developers (mobile interface BP)
In case of changing the PSU interface, it is necessary to adjust the interface on the mobile device in the same way. I have a question about the in...
Recommendation for OneBox (process interface)
It would be great if there is a block that can be configured outside of the processes and just copy it to the created processes. Example: set up th...
4 answer
06.11.2023, 10:52
We can’t fight in the CRM “the maximum number of OneBox sessions has been reached: 0”
We can’t fight in the CRM “the maximum number of OneBox sessions has been reached: 0”. Previously, we could corrupt 8-9 accounts in SRM
1 answer
The product block in the orders interface has disappeared
I am attaching screenshots. Over the weekend, the "products by table" block disappeared in the Orders interface, although it is also indicated in t...
2 answer
25.10.2023, 14:22
One box freezes for all robotics and on different devices 500 error
From time to time a 500 error appears and one box freezes
Document templates
Dear, please tell me, I have a document template. The product passport is unfolded - that is, the product and the materials included in it are ther...

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