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Search results for query #баг

4 answer
23.12.2020, 12:36
Auto action bug
payment 29573 https://prnt.sc/w8e58s is not tied to orders https://prnt.sc/w8e6i3 (although it should by auto action https://prnt.sc/w8e9cx )
6 replies
22.12.2020, 15:51
Finance bug
Payments are doubled (spent) https://prnt.sc/w7rf3l The payment "Incoming 7774.00 UAH" was added to this order, and it was carried out 4 ...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
22.12.2020, 12:13
fix the /api/product/add/ method
please fix the /api/product/add/ method 1. request https://box.e-zoo.com.ua/api/product/add/?login=ssss&password=ssss&name=...
1 answer
22.12.2020, 10:52
The product is doubled
With a single click on the "button for adding a product to the process", it is added immediately 2 times instead of one Demonstrated on v...
10 replies
22.12.2020, 09:15
https://prnt.sc/w7lxap Today it started throwing this error.
1 answer
Stages of the business process
Good afternoon! There are 2 processes in the table, they are displayed like this But in fact they are in other statuses https://box.generator.ua/...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
18.12.2020, 17:07
disable the prohibition on creating payments retroactively
project https://panel.darium.com.ua/ when trying to add a payment with a date less than the current one, a message is displayed with the following ...
4 answer
18.12.2020, 13:04
BAG - the warehouse changes when editing the Posting (Return) operation
The return is carried out by the Automatic action Return process contents to the warehouse. Operation - Editing post - Warehouse is changed to th...
4 answer
17.12.2020, 15:35
The system duplicates orders in different quantities
Yesterday, the processes from the BP Customer Order began to be duplicated, we manually create one - 2-5 more pieces appear next, the numbers follo...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.12.2020, 16:59
fix the action "Copy address from google map by additional fields of the process product" (there is no list of process fields)
In the action "Copy address from google map by additional fields of the process product" in the field "Take value from the field:&qu...

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