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Search results for query #баг

0 replies
04.04.2024, 16:51
BUG! Products fly off reserve
Good afternoon. Today a problem has arisen: the same product is constantly leaving the reserve in different BPs and at different stages. Order exam...
4 answer
01.04.2024, 12:31
The telephony window disappeared again
Good day! The Kyivstar telephony window has disappeared again. No calls of any kind.
1 answer
27.03.2024, 12:12
Product reserve bug
Good afternoon. We noticed that OneBox shows a product that is actually out of stock. This item is on reserve, but is not connected to the order i...
5 replies
19.03.2024, 11:59
Kyivstar telephony window does not appear
Good day! The Kyivstar call form does not appear (any numbers). Tokens were changed, but it did not help. The application was submitted to Kyivstar...
1 answer
19.02.2024, 09:54
BAG. When importing products with the same article number but different brands.
When importing products with the same article number but different brands, instead of creating a new one, the existing product in BOX is overwritte...
Bug! Stopped writing the number of scanned orders.
We have a problem with the Work with Ttn application. Ttn is scanned, but does not write how many scanned quantity. Previously, we beeped, it sai...
0 replies
15.02.2024, 10:53
Conflict in the operation of two applications.
The action of importing Products, Brands from CMS ExtraParts creates new brands in BOX and records their cat.id (ExtraParts) in the field shopbrand...
Bug when counting
Good day. I have a problem with calculating the formula. We have some operations with imports, and when we perform a currency conversion, the addit...
3 answer
23.01.2024, 14:05
The action "Move the execution date of the process to the next day if the business process is open" does not work
There are orders that should be automatically moved to the next day in the calendar by the "Execute by" date They are in the "Awaiting Payment" and...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.12.2023, 19:32
DUPLICATE BUG: Duplicates of the stages added to the process are repeatedly created with each screen update
Fixed this bug HERE https://1b.app/ua/forum/business-processes-and-automation/17671-bag-primusovo-st...

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