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Search results for query #баг

18 replies
26.05.2022, 13:20
In OS, when hovering over an employee's contact, the phone is not displayed in the company card
In the previous version of the box, when you hover over an employee's contact, the company card displayed his phone number and viber button. It...
3 answer
26.05.2022, 13:06
Currency values in the final part of the process in OS
Hello! In OS, the value of currencies is not displayed in the final part of the process. In the previous version, there were signatures - UAH or EUR
6 replies
17.05.2022, 15:47
Contacts are displayed crookedly! It is impossible to work!
After the box updated the display of contacts, it became simply unbearable to work. 1. They all moved out and don’t understand how they are display...
1 answer
29.04.2022, 15:31
BAG "Additional mindfulness of columns"
https://voltdetailing.1b.app/ https://voltdetailing.1b.app/app/workflowtype-zapis-na-miyku/ in integrface I install Dodatkovі vobrazhennya columns ...
2 answer
27.04.2022, 10:10
Incorrect item display
https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/48869/storage/ There was an arrival for 3 goods, 2 sold. Remainder must be = 1 But 2 is displaye...
2 answer
22.04.2022, 14:12
Unknown amount in payments
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/payments/?filterdatefrom=2021-01-03+16%3A00&fi...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
22.04.2022, 10:32
Not practicing Knowledge base
Good day, today, when you know the basics of knowledge, we will take a pardon - be right, be kind. https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/knowledgebase/ S...
3 answer
31.03.2022, 00:04
BUG Incorrect display of the calendar
https://voltdetailing.1b.app/app/calendar/?ok=1 Є processes, at which the hour is "scheduled" and "visonati until", for example...
1 answer
29.03.2022, 16:05
BUG: Filling in the field in the process product with the "tick" type does not work
https://voltdetailing.1b.app/344/ The process product has an additional field "Viconano" https://voltdetailing.1b.app/admin/shop/workflo...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
23.03.2022, 16:19
Fix the operation of warehouse filters in the mobile version of 1B OS (not an application)
I live! Prohannya repair the robot to filter the warehouse on ios in safari. The "filter" button is not pressed, otherwise the system fre...

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